Bienvenue à la classe de français! This year you will work on developing the fundamentals of the French language while learning about the cultures of various French-speaking countries. We will be using the text and workbook called Discovering French, as well as many other supplementary materials that will enhance your curriculum. Your goal is to speak in the target language as often as possible in and out of class and to come to class prepared with all of your necessary materials. Vive le français! Below you will find the color code for the different levels of French. You will find your daily homework assignments posted in the appropriate color on my calendar below. grade 5 = blue (bleu) grade 6 = green (vert) grade 7 = orange (orange) grade 8 = pink (rose)
Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have throughout the year. The best way to get in touch is via email: [email protected]